Measuring the Pulse of the CAD Community

April 29, 2008 1 min read

A lot of information is available over the Internet for professionals like you and me working with CAD, CAM, AEC, and DCC systems and technologies: blogs, Press Releases, tutorials, comments, product reviews, etc. In order to access this wealth of information one option is to subscribe to hundreds of newsletters, activate all sorts of Google notifications, and spend most of the day digging in an overcrowded e-mail inbox.

A reasonable alternative is to organize some of the information sources into an RSS reader such as the one offered for free by Google (Google Reader).  However, a lot of interesting stuff is not available as RSS feed.  Another downside is that RSS Readers are intended as personal tools and thus lack access to others' opinions and ratings.

Wouldn’t it be great to have all this information well organized in a single place, already sorted by relevance and quality based on the opinion of other users with similar interests? What about without annoying ads?

This place now exists, and it's called Novedge Pulse. It’s a new free area of the Novedge website where blog posts, Press Releases, tutorials, and other pertinent information is collected, organized, and presented in a simple and clear way.  At Novedge Pulse, you can also vote for each item with a simple and effective thumb-up, thumb-down system.

I would recommend giving it a try. Feel free to express your opinion by voting for the items you judge most interesting or boring. And if you have a blog, Press Release, product review, or tutorial you would like included in Novedge Pulse, just send an e-mail to

Franco Folini

Franco Folini
Franco Folini

Also in NOVEDGE Blog
