Novedge’s 5 Most Popular Blog Interviews

August 01, 2014 1 min read

Are you a regular reader of the Novedge Blog? Either way, you might have missed some of our most popular interviews (subscribe here to never miss any new post). Let's catch up!

Meet the five artists and innovators whose interviews have been most popular this year so far. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy their stories.

1. Daniel Kim, Founder and CEO of Lit Motors

Engineering + SciFi Idea + Silicon Valley + Autodesk Clean Tech Program = the C-1


2. Michael Gibson, Founder and CEO, Moment of Inspiration

This is our most popular interview of all times. Straight from 2008 (remember those days when only the most adventurous of us used Twitter?), meet the man behind MoI.

Michael Gibson, Moment of Inspiration - Blog

3. Michele Calvano, Author, Teacher and Architect

If you love origami and Rhino, you won't want to miss this interview: Michele specializes in mathematical and parametric modeling, while writing about reverse modeling and manufacturing of forms. All about here.

4. Bruce Bigelow, Creative Director and Head of 3D at Electric Art

This must be one of the most fun interviews we published, from Shick Beards to Bruce's genuine answers.


5. Jeffrey Pinheiro, The RevitKid

Before even becoming a licensed architect, Jeffrey is not only a master of Revit, but a popular teacher online. Read all about him and don't forget to sign up for our next Novedge Webinar, which he will be leading, The Ultimate Revit Custom Material Marathon 

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