CadSoft Releases EnvisioneerExpress 5.0 as a Free Download

May 26, 2009 1 min read

CadSoft Corporation just released EnvisioneerExpress 5.0, a residential design program. EnvisoneerExpress is the free version of Envisioneer Professional 5.0, the well known architectural design system by CadSoft.

EnvisioneerExpress uses commands matching objects in the real world

EnvisioneerExpress has been specifically developed to introduce clients to the simple creation of floor plans, 3D models, and interior design concepts. EnvisioneerExpress uses commands matching objects in the real world such as walls, doors, windows, and stairs. This approach makes creative projects fast and easy.

EnvisioneerExpress can also be used to display and review professional models made by many other popular Design Software packages including Envisioneer and 3D Home Architect.

EnvisoneerExpress can be downloaded for free from the Novedge website.

Franco Folini

Franco Folini
Franco Folini

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