Explore the Latest Enhancements with the AutoCAD 2023.1.5 Update Released on February 29, 2024

March 06, 2024 3 min read

Explore the Latest Enhancements with the AutoCAD 2023.1.5 Update Released on February 29, 2024

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Explore the Latest Enhancements with the AutoCAD 2023.1.5 Update Released on February 29, 2024

On February 29, 2024, Autodesk announced the release of the AutoCAD 2023.1.5 Update, a testament to their commitment to continuous improvement and user satisfaction. This latest update is an essential download for professionals in the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction, as it addresses critical issues reported by the robust AutoCAD user community. To access the enhancements, users can obtain the update via Autodesk Access or through the Autodesk subscription site, provided that they have the original installation resources.

One of the key highlights of the AutoCAD 2023.1.5 Update is the resolution of reported crashes and defects, which are pivotal for maintaining a productive and efficient workflow. Autodesk has also provided a detailed list of the fixed issues, ensuring transparency and allowing users to understand the specific improvements made.

Fixed Issues

With the update, Autodesk has taken significant steps to bolster the robustness of AutoCAD against potential security vulnerabilities within the Trust Center. This enhancement not only improves security measures but also ensures that users can continue to operate in an environment where their data remains protected.

In terms of general fixes, the update has resolved the occasional crashes experienced when selecting a block reference in certain corrupted drawings. Such improvements are vital for professionals who rely on the integrity and stability of their software for complex and detailed work.

General Update Content

The AutoCAD 2023.1.5 Update has introduced several key defect resolutions that span across various aspects of the software:

  • Printing Configurations (PC3 files): Users reusing PC3 files will now find that page sizes are created as expected, eliminating inconsistencies experienced in previous versions.
  • Block Attributes: Custom property values within block data are now accurately displayed, ensuring that attribute information is reliably transmitted and represented in documentation.
  • Arabic Text: The consistency of Arabic text when plotted to PDF files has been improved, particularly in specific drawings where inconsistencies were previously noted.
  • PDF External References: External references in PDF format will now display at the correct scale within paper space, which is crucial for maintaining precision in documentation and presentations.
  • AutoCAD Web & Mobile Plugin: The update has rectified issues with downloading the AutoCAD Web & Mobile plugin, enhancing the user experience for those utilizing AutoCAD on various platforms.

These updates underscore Autodesk's focus on refining the user experience and eradicating common disruptions encountered by users. By addressing specific pain points, such as the display of PDFs and the use of Arabic text, professionals can expect a smoother and more reliable performance from their AutoCAD software.

Enhanced Integration and Compatibility

Continuing the trend of enhancements, AutoCAD 2023.1.5 seamlessly integrates with other leading software solutions available on the NOVEDGE website. Users can further improve their workflows and extend the capabilities of AutoCAD with compatible products such as:

It is important to note that products such as Vectorworks, SolidWorks, Blender, and T-Splines are not available on the NOVEDGE website and that T-Splines no longer exists as a product.


The AutoCAD 2023.1.5 update is a significant step forward in ensuring that users have the most stable and secure version of the software to date. With improved functionalities and resolved issues, professionals can focus on what matters most—their work. If you're eager to explore the latest and most advanced design software technology, or if you have questions regarding compatibility and integration with other products, don't hesitate to contact our sales team at NOVEDGE. Their expertise will guide you towards the solutions that best fit your project needs and streamline your creative and technical processes.

As the industry evolves, so does the software that powers it. Keep an eye on NOVEDGE for updates and advancements that will continue to redefine the possibilities within the design world.

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