Specials and New Releases – February 6 , 2017

February 07, 2017 3 min read

Feel good about trading your old Autodesk, AutoCAD and LT licenses. A big discount and a wealth of new technology will be at your fingertips. Scroll down for all the amazing software deals going on this week!


Click here for all the latest New Releases. 

Tetra4D Converter

Sku5880_1000Tetra4D Converter is the world's leading solution for converting native 3D CAD data into rich, interactive 3D PDF documents, including full support for precise solid geometry and Product Manufacturing Information (PMI). Create data rich, interactive 3D PDFs inside Adobe Acrobat  with Tetra4D Enrich  or you can get the Tetra4D Converter Bundle.


To see a complete list of new and current specials, including all Autodesk promotions, click here. 

Moho Pro 12 Promo

Moho-pro-40%-off-email-bannerMoho Pro 12(formerly Anime Studio Pro) offers the most powerful 2D rigging system of the market and mix it with traditional animation tools, allowing to get professional results easier and faster. Everything you need to make amazing, professional animation.

 Autodesk, AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT  Trade-In Offer

Trade in PromoSave up to 30% on 3-year subscriptions to any eligible product of your choice when you trade in your eligible serial numbers and all associated seats of R14 (release year 1998) – 2016 perpetual licenses, and/or 2017 perpetual licenses not on active maintenance plan. Enjoy the 30% savings on  Autodesk Products,  AutoCAD Products, Autodesk LT Products and Industry Collections. LT Products can be traded in for any eligible product, including  Industry Collections w/ single -user access.

Make sure to contact (866) 362-8970 x705 or adskpromo@novedge.com to take advantage of this amazing deal!


To see a complete list of new and current specials, including all Autodesk promotions, click here.

Get Active with Creo 4.0

SP736Trade in your inactive, outdated Creo license for a NEW Creo 4.0 subscription! Offer applies to existing licenses that have not been covered by a Support agreement for at least 12 months. Inactive seats must stay within their solution segment.

VisualARQ – Free Upgrade to v2

SP733VisualARQ 2.0 will be released soon. The price will rise, but existing users will be able to upgrade to VisualARQ 2.0 for free. Buy now at the current lower price and save!

Chaos Group – VRscans Plugin Promo

SP734VRscans' Photoreal Material Scanning Service & Library offers a new level of quality and accuracy for 3D rendered materials. Take advantage of Chaos Group's promotion and receive 10 additional free render nodes with each VRscans Plugin workstation license!

Phoenix FD 3 and V-Ray for 3ds Max Bundle

Vray Bundle offerFor a limited time, save up to 39% when you purchase new licenses or upgrades of V-Ray 3.4 for 3ds Max bundled with Phoenix FD 3.0.

ZBrush 4R8 coming soon

SP708Purchase ZBrush 4R7 today and get a free upgrade to ZBrush 4R8 when it's released!

Get V-Ray 2.0 for Rhino with Free Upgrade to v.3.0

V-Ray 3.0 for Rhino pre-release salePurchase now V-Ray 2.0 for Rhino and receive a free upgrade to version 3.0 when it releases!This free upgrade includes one workstation license plus one render node. We couldn't be more excited for this new release, get a sneak peek at V-ray 3.0 for Rhino on our Novedge Webinar.


Wednesday Webinar: Introduction to Maxwell Render V4

2-8Learn some of the new features of Maxwell Render V4and discuss with 3D Generalist Dominik Dammelhart his AEG shot. Attendees will get the scene file for free!

This webinar is free and will last about one hour, including the Q & A session.

Looking for more Specials and New Releases?


You can find our previous posts here to make sure you didn't miss any of our past announcements.


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Barbara D'Aloisio
Barbara D'Aloisio

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