Expanding the Boundaries of Space Calculation in VisualARQ: How to Incorporate Curves and Polysurfaces into Your Design Workflow

June 26, 2024 3 min read

Expanding the Boundaries of Space Calculation in VisualARQ: How to Incorporate Curves and Polysurfaces into Your Design Workflow

Expanding the Boundaries of Space Calculation in VisualARQ

Integrating Curves and Polysurfaces into Your Design Process with VisualARQ

In the realm of architectural design and modeling, VisualARQ stands out for its robust features that cater to the needs of architects and designers. Among its array of functionalities, the VisualARQ space object is a pivotal tool that allows for the precise calculation of areas of rooms completely encapsulated by VisualARQ entities such as walls, doors, and columns. However, the scope of design often extends beyond these parameters, incorporating curves or polysurfaces in the spatial calculations. The question then arises: how can these elements be included in the calculation of space areas within VisualARQ?

The answer lies in the powerful vaSpatialObjectSet command, a feature that significantly expands the capabilities of VisualARQ's space calculation.

Related Features

Create spaces from curves: Designers often encounter scenarios where space needs to be defined in open areas not confined by standard VisualARQ objects. In these instances, creating spaces from curves offers a versatile solution, allowing the integration of custom shapes and forms into the space calculation process.

Space control points: The introduction of spaces created from curves brings with it the capability to fine-tune these spaces through their control points. This feature ensures that designers can precisely adjust the perimeter of the space to fit the exact requirements of their design, offering an unprecedented level of control and flexibility.

Rotate the space label: With the advent of VisualARQ 3, a new parameter has been introduced, enabling users to rotate the space label. This enhancement allows for better alignment and integration of space labels within the overall design layout, ensuring that important information is presented clearly and effectively.

Show custom parameters in spaces: The ability to customize the information displayed in the space label by showing linked properties and parameters adds another layer of customization. This function allows for a more detailed and tailored presentation of space characteristics, enabling architects and designers to convey essential information seamlessly.

The capabilities introduced with the vaSpatialObjectSet command and related features represent a significant leap forward in the flexibility and power of the VisualARQ software. By enabling the inclusion of curves and polysurfaces in space calculations, VisualARQ is breaking new ground in architectural design software, offering solutions that keep pace with the evolving needs of professionals in the field.

If you're navigating complex design scenarios that necessitate the inclusion of curves and polysurfaces in your space calculations, leveraging these features will undoubtedly enrich your design process, providing both the precision and flexibility required to achieve exceptional results.


VisualARQ's innovative approach to space calculation, particularly with the integration of curves and polysurfaces, showcases its commitment to addressing the dynamic needs of architectural design and modeling. As the software continues to evolve, its features remain at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring that architects and designers have access to the most effective tools in the market. For those looking to delve deeper into the newest and most advanced design software technology, we encourage you to contact our sales team at NOVEDGE. Our extensive collection of software, including compatible additions like Asuni products which complement VisualARQ, will provide you with the resources needed to push the boundaries of your design capabilities.

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