Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
GTuttle (Buzzards Bay, US)
Great time saver

You can create jewelry using Rhino by itself, but the hours it take to make gems, settings, and get it right is very time consuming. The rendering is excellent (virtually true to life). The options to alter the gem size and shape are super easy. You can pick from a number of gem shapes and types (colors can be changed). CrossGems makes it so much faster to design. This is a great plug-in for Rhino 7. I'm still learning how to use it, but it is fairly easy to dive right in. In my first hour I created a split band ring with a princess cut diamond. I spent a day creating a scarab pendant with multiple stones. The scarab required mostly Rhino work. I also created a uniquely designed pendant using mostly Rhino subD and added the gems using CrossGems. The file printed a 3D model and cast perfect - the 20mm stone I will set in a few days. It looks like the seat will hardly need any modifications, which is a really nice time saver, too. As a stone setter I often have to recreate seats (by removing material by hand) for gems. This will be breeze.
