Specials and New Releases – September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018 4 min read

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Click here for all the latest New Releases.

Maxon Cinema 4D R20

Cinema4dr20Cinema 4D Release 20 is out and this time is more powerful than ever!

ZWCAD 2019

ZWCAD 2019 is a cost-effective, light-weight and DWG compatible CAD platform, with a fast brand-new hybrid technology. With the similar CAD commands, you can use ZWCAD immediately without any re-learning cost.

Check out the newest features and improvement in this excellent Novedge Webinar. 

Vectorworks 2019

Vectorworks2019A great set of tools in the new Vectorworks 2019. Come get your latest version of Vectorworks FundamentalsVectorworks ArchitectVectorworks Landmark , Vectorworks Spotlight and Vectorworks Designer. Call us at 866 362 8970 or email calvin@novedge.com for any assistance with your Vectorworks configuration.


To see a complete list of new and current specials, including all Autodesk promotions, click here.

Next Limit RealFlow | Cinema 4D 2.6 20% Off

RealFlowC4DRealFlow | Cinema 4D gives you the best in fluid simulation, directly inside Cinema 4D.  Get 20% off RealFlow | Cinema 4D 2.6 and achieve breathtaking results! The promo is exclusive to RealFlow | Cinema 4D and will only be valid for NEW LICENSES.

Scan&Solve Professional | Sale

Scan&Solve completely automates structural simulation of Rhino solids and bonded assemblies, and incorporates many other advanced features, including multiple simulation scenarios and improved layout. Get 20% off Scan&Solve Pro!

KeyShot 8 | Promo

KeyShot8Now is the time to purchase or upgrade to KeyShot 7 and lock in a free upgrade to KeyShot 8. 
If you're using KeyShot 5 or 6, upgrade your license to KeyShot 7 today, start using all the new capabilities now and be the first to get your hands on KeyShot 8 the day it releases, absolutely FREE.

Autodesk – AutoCAD 2019 | Promo

AutoCAD Q3Time to renew your AutoCAD LT, Revit LT or Inventor LT subscription? Save over 35% when you switch to AutoCAD
Get more of the essential tools you need. AutoCAD 2019 software includes industry-specific toolsets; improved workflows across desktop, web, and mobile; and new features such as DWG compare.

Call (866) 362-8970 x705 or send an email to adskpromo@novedge.com


To see a complete list of new and current specials, including all Autodesk promotions, click here.


PTC MathCADPTC Mathcadis the industry's standard for engineering calculation software, enabling you to solve your most complex problems, and share your calculations with colleagues. 
Call our PTC Specialist at 866 362 8970 ext. 704, or send an email at calvin@novedge.com. We will help you navigate this promotion and maximize your discount! You can also download PTC Mathcad Express for FREE and give it a try! 

Vectorworks Fundamentals | 50% Off Crossgrades

SP896Add a module of Architect, Landmark or Spotlight to your Fundamentals license and receive a 50% off the module. 
Save 50% on Architect, Landmark or Spotlight modules! Offer valid for First Time Users only.


BOGOHO Q4When you subscribe to Creo 5.0, you can unlock the latest in 3D CAD. Why wait? Now is the time to get ahead of the competition and grow your business, while delivering innovative new products. Call our PTC Specialist at 866 362 8970 ext. 704, or send an email at calvin@novedge.com. Calvin will help you navigate this promotion and maximize your discount!

ASVIC | AViCAD Promotion

Promo 2018AViCAD offers the same functionality found within AutoCAD but at a fraction of the price. When coupled with AViCAD and our free Mech-Q Plant Design utilities – you'll be able to produce CAD and Mechanical drawings very quickly with minimal software investment. Save on AViCAD now!

SpaceNavigator for Notebooks

Sapce Navigator PromoWhen you buy SpaceNavigatorfor Notebooks you pay only $79 and we'll ship it to you at no charge!

Twinmotion & Workstation Promo

Twinmotion & CAD WorstationSupercharge your Twinmotionprograms and save 10%! 
High Speed Computing Workstations come with abundant memory to manage large models, a multi-core CPU, a fast graphics subsystem, and a large Solid State Disk (SSD) to speedup load/save operations. Call us at (866) 362-8970 x704 to lock in this promotion and let us know if your specific setup needs a custom configured workstation.

VTPros | MasterCAM & SolidCAM Video Tutorials

Get your MasterCAM and SolidCAM Tutorials. Buy online today and Save!


Novedge Webinar: Reverse Engineering Scanned Meshes in SOLIDWORKS

Webinar 297
Power Surfacing RE for SOLIDWORKS
 makes it easy to reverse engineer even complex scanned meshes, high poly meshes (i.e. ZBrush), and topology optimization meshes inside of SOLIDWORKS. It provides unparalleled accuracy in capturing even the smallest details without exploding the file size. And because it works inside of SOLIDWORKS, the resulting geometry is fully SOLIDWORKS compliant so that you can apply all of the SOLIDWORKS functionality (i.e. fillet, shell, Boolean, CAM, analysis, 3D print, etc.) to your resulting model (or edit it by clicking on the geometry in the feature tree).
The webinar is free and will last about one hour, including the Q&A session.

Looking for more Specials and New Releases?

You can find our previous posts here to make sure you didn't miss any of our past announcements.


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Barbara D'Aloisio
Barbara D'Aloisio

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