Black Panther: Joel Harlow and Rod Maxwell - 2023 ZBrush Summit

December 06, 2023 1 min read

Black Panther: Joel Harlow and Rod Maxwell - 2023 ZBrush Summit

Video From YouTube : Pixologic ZBrush

Join esteemed Hollywood makeup artists in an intriguing session at the 2023 ZBrush Summit, presented by MAXON. Witness firsthand as Rod Maxwell demonstrates the innovative use of ZBrush in creating detailed three-dimensional stencils for iconic character tattoos in a blockbuster Marvel film. Accompanied by special guest Joel Harlow, the discussion explores the pivotal role ZBrush plays in sculpting fantastical creatures for an upcoming anthology series. This video offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the intersection of digital sculpting and practical effects in the entertainment industry. Explore the transformative power of cutting-edge software in crafting the visual splendor of modern cinema.

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