Best bits for Vectorworks 2019 by Jonathan Pickup

What it's About

In this webinar we are going to look at the Best bits of  Vectorworks 2019. CAD guru Jonathan Pickup has assessed the new Vectoworks features and has great feedback to share on the tools and techniques that he thinks are most important. As usual, Jonathan will take time to answer to your questions as he goes through the new parts. This priceless interaction will allow you to optimize what Vectorworks has to offer.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Jonathan Pickup is an architect trained in New Zealand and in the UK, with more than 30 years of experience. He has been writing and producing Vectorworks manuals and providing customer support for more than 15 years. His company, ArchonCAD, is the premier provider of third-party manuals and training resources for Vectorworks. He also runs the Vectorworks On-Line User Group and provides its main direction.

Who Should Attend

This webinar will suit Vectorworks users that want to understand the most important new tools and techniques in Vectorworks 2019. This includes architects, landscape designers, and 3D users.

Watch the Recorded Webinar


Best bits for Vectorworks 2019 by Jonathan Pickup from Novedge on Vimeo.

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