NVIDIA Processing Instructions


If the product is a hardware product contact Alan Swimmer @ High Speed Computing (aswimmer@hispeedcomputing.com)

Alan will procure the product for us and we will purchase as we do with any other vendor by sending a PO on terms.
We can use the Order Desk manual send option for order emails since for this brand we have 2 different vendors depending on the type of product and our system at this time can only automate emails and processes for brands with a single vendor.


IRAY PRODUCTS: The official supplier is Iray Plugins.

  • Discount of 20% off RRP
  • Orders must be for a minimum of 3 licences (any mix of products) in order to qualify for the discount
  • Invoice terms are 30 days from date of invoice
  • You must inform us of the company name of the user for each licence

    Contact person : Leona Colley - 



  • Discount of 20% off RRP
  • Orders must be for a minimum of 3 licences (any mix of products) in order to qualify for the discount
  • Invoice terms are 30 days from date of invoice
  • You must inform us of the company name of the user for each licence

At this time we have to learn the details about how this part of the process works - as we do we will update this page and, if possible, improve the processing automation in Order Desk