Small to mid-sized Residential have many estimating systems from which to choose, whereas, the same group of commercial contractors has very few. How Contractor's Office addresses both audiences is by offering accurate cost databases for each and other features that cross the boundaries such as Bid Management and AIA Billing. This presentation addresses how to use Contractor's Office to make your estimating easy, fast and accurate without breaking your bank.
The webinar is free and lasts about one hour, including the Q&A session.
Byron Zaner is the founder and CEO of PrioSoft which provides Contractor's Office. Byron's background consists of many years in the software business and the last 25 years of applying that expertise to the construction industry. Byron designed and implemented the original package and is the main voice of PrioSoft to its audience providing support and training to all of the customers.
This presentation is designed for residential and commercial General Contractors, Remove and Repair, Tenant Improvement, Remodelers, Insurance Restoration, Builders, All trades other than electrical, plumbing and HVAC.
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