Light Plot Deconstructed with Gregg Hillmar

What it's About

Based on the manual of the same name, Light Plot Deconstructed is a short and easy-to-follow look at the way uses tools available in Vectorworks Spotlight to draft a light plot. Line weight, symbols, layer and class options, and other choices will be discussed in this brief yet in depth presentation.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Gregg Hillmar is a scenic and lighting designer whose work has been seen at hundreds of theatre, dance, and opera productions across the country. Additionally, Gregg worked on projects as varied as galleries, lighting exhibits, and on the design of convention booths and stages. Mr. Hillmar is also an accomplished writer of Vectorworks in industry publications and has provided training for professional theatres, businesses, and educational institutions.

Who Should Attend

Lighting designers, scenic designers, theatrical electricians, and educators

Watch the Recorded Webinar

Light Plot Deconstructed with Vectorworks Spotlight 2014, presented by Gregg Hillmar from Novedge on Vimeo.

Get Vectorworks Spotlight here!
