Introduction to V-Ray 1.5 for Rhino

What it's About

This is a great opportunity to learn more about V-Ray for Rhino. Topics, which will be covered by during the webinar: (1) Improvements in the V-Ray material, the dispersion effect and mapping the anisotropy parameter to achieve realistic brushed metal look; (2) GI, Global illumination improvements; (3) The V-Ray dome light, exploring the capabilities of this irreplaceable tool when it comes to image based lighting; (4) he V-Ray lens effects; (5) The V-Ray displacement and the proxy system, rendering infinite amount of geometry with no memory restrictions.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Vassil Pepelyankov joined the Chaos Group 3D artists’ team in the beginning of 2012. Since then, he has been is one of the main presenters, 3D Artists and creators of the V-Ray Training Program. He is primarily focused on V-Ray for 3ds Max. However, he will also demonstrate professional skills in V-Ray for Rhino and V-Ray for Maya. holds a Master V-Ray Licensed Instructor status.

Who Should Attend

Rhino 4.0 and 5.0 users, 3D artists, designers, industrial designers, marketing people.

Watch the Recorded Webinar

Introduction to V-Ray 1.5 for Rhino from Novedge on Vimeo.

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