What's New in Rhino v5 (WIP)

What it's About

Everyone's excited about the new WIP of Rhino v5! Join us as Rhino master delves into the release and focuses on the most exciting new commands and features. Topics include shelling and offsetting polysurfaces, new selection methods, loose projections, mesh repair + more!

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Brian James is a training specialist for Robert McNeel and Associates as well as a professor at the Rhode Island School of Design. Aside from his endless passion for 3D modeling and rendering, he is also an avid photographer of HDR environments.

Who Should Attend

Existing and new Rhino's users, Industrial Designers, everyone in the product research, development, marketing, and manufacturing or construction process.

Watch the Recorded Webinar

What's New in Rhino v5 (WIP) from Novedge on Vimeo.

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