Workflow - Putting a Project Together with Vectorworks 2018

What it's About

Previous webinars have looked at design layers, classes, viewports, and sheet layers. This webinar will look at bringing these concepts together along with other concepts such as symbols and libraries to create an understanding of the workflow for putting a project together using Vectorworks. We will be using the concept of an apartment building to understand how we can use these concepts in a workflow to make the project efficient. In this webinar you will learn: when to use design layers and when to use classes; how to use stories with a large project; how to create viewports and place them on sheet layers; how to use symbols to speed up the drawing process and how to design your workflow for efficient design and documentation.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Jonathan Pickup is an architect trained in New Zealand and in the UK, with more than 30 years of experience. He has been writing and producing Vectorworks manuals and providing customer support for more than 15 years. His company, ArchonCAD, is the premier provider of third-party manuals and training resources for Vectorworks. He also runs the Vectorworks On-Line User Group and provides its main direction.

Who Should Attend

Intermediate architect users that would like to work on larger buildings.

Watch the Recorded Webinar

Putting a Project Together with Vectorworks 2018 from Novedgeon Vimeo.

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