All about Project Sharing in Vectorworks

What it's About

Some projects need more than one person working on them. Maybe the project is large, maybe the deadline is short, but either way you need to have more than one person working on the project. There is more than one way to achieve this. You can use referencing, you can break the file up into manageable chunks, or you can use Project Sharing with Vectorworks Architect . In this webinar you will learn: how to choose between breaking up a project; Referencing and Project Sharing; how to create references; how to decide responsibilities for Referencing; the pros and cons of using Referencing; the pros and cons of Project Sharing; how to set up a project for Project Sharing; tips and tricks for Project Sharing.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Jonathan Pickup is an architect trained in New Zealand and in the UK, with more than 30 years of experience. He has been writing and producing Vectorworks manuals and providing customer support for more than 15 years. His company, ArchonCAD, is the premier provider of third-party manuals and training resources for Vectorworks. He also runs the Vectorworks On-Line User Group and provides its main direction.

Who Should Attend

People working on large projects that would like to learn the best and effective technique to divide up that project.

Watch the Recorded Webinar

All about Project Sharing in Vectorworks from Novedge on Vimeo.

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