Quick Conceptual Modeling with Vectorworks 2011

What it's About

There are some users that use other programs to create a conceptual model, and they only use Vectorworks later. Vectorworks guru believes that you can do all your work in Vectorworks, and it will be quicker if you do. In this webinar we will look at quick ways to make a 3D site model, create 3D recession planes for the site, and sketch in the adjoining buildings. This will make it easy for use to see the 3D volume we can build in, and the effects of the neighbouring buildings. That way, as we develop our concept, we can test it on the site, as well as checking the sun and shading. Vectorworks has quick ways to create our conceptual model, and we will look at a couple of different options.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Jonathan Pickup is an architect trained in New Zealand and in the United Kingdom with over 25 years of experience. He received his Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) degree from the University of Auckland in New Zealand. He later spent more than eight years in England where he learned to use several CAD packages, including MiniCad, and began teaching this forerunner of Vectorworks. Upon returning to New Zealand in 1992, he established archoncad, a Vectorworks training and consulting company. He has written several Vectorworks training manuals for architects, landscape architects, educators, and design students. Jonathan is the author of the Vector-workout Subscription service.

Who Should Attend

Architects, 3D Artists, modelers, and all Vectorworks users

Watch the Recorded Webinar

Quick Conceptual Modeling with Vectorworks 2011 from Novedgeon Vimeo.

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