Discover Vectorworks 2015

What it's About

Vectorworks Architect has just been released. This version of Vectorworks has some very powerful and capable techniques. In this webinar we will focus on just a few powerful techniques to cover them in detail. Some of the powerful changes to Vectorworks Architect 2015 relate to stories and walls. If you would like to learn how to make your stories more powerful, how to use stories to control wall components, and how to use the new curtain wall, then you should attend this webinar. Because we will be focusing on just a few topics, there will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Jonathan Pickup is an architect trained in New Zealand and in the UK, with more than 30 years of experience. He has been writing and producing Vectorworks manuals and providing customer support for more than 15 years. His company, ArchonCAD, is the premier provider of third-party manuals and training resources for Vectorworks. He also runs the Vectorworks On-Line User Group and provides its main direction.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is ideal for all those who want to find out more about Vectorworks 2015.

Watch the Recorded Webinar

Novedge Webinar 134 Discover Vectorworks 2015 from Novedge on Vimeo.

Get Vectorworks Architect here!
