Civil Engineering with Geo-Plus VisionCivil

What it's About

Geomatic consultant, gives us an overview of VisionCIVIL Pro, a powerful tool for land surveyors and civil engineers.

VisionCivil resolves functionality, usability and process-related issues by integrating land surveying, design, analysis, 3D model and CAD standard management into your AutoCAD, Civil3D, MicroStation, PowerDraft, BricsCAD environment. Jonathan's presentation demos VisionCivil's three go to modules (COGO, Vision and Civil) for managing and analyzing any civil engineering project.

Who is Presenting the Webinar

Jonathan Duguay is a geomatic consultant at Geo-Plus. He’s been training end users and providing technical support for the last three years for Geo-Plus solutions and other software, while helping the development team with his expertise. He is a junior engineer of the OIQ that holds a Bachelor of Geomatics from Laval University since 2007.

Who Should Attend

Professionals who should attend the webinar are land surveyors, civil engineers and all professionals in the land management field.

Watch the Recorded Webinar Get 

Civil Engineering with Geo-Plus VisionCivil from Novedge on Vimeo.

 Get VisionCIVIL Pro here!
