What’s New in CINEMA 4D R17 and How to Get the Best Deal!

August 12, 2015 2 min read

 After Cinema 4D Release 17 has been announced we have been trying to collect the first reviews and get sneak peeks into its fantastic New Features. If you want a more comprehensive look inside this latest release, join our live Novedge Webinar  on September 16th at 11 am Pacific Time. Hang out for the Q & A and make sure to raise your hand! 9-16

In the meantime, this  list of Best Features can give you a pretty good idea of what's to come.  


 What we also like to do is to lay all the improvements out for you, so you can be the best judge.




Aixsponza is a team of designers and technology geeks producing animations for big and small budgets. They love motion graphics, 3D animation, visual effects & graphic design. Seed is a free project that they did to try out ideas and techniques. The Big protagonist of Seed is, of course, Cinema 4D in its most recent incarnation. Enjoy .https://player.vimeo.com/video/134957666?color=ccff17&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&badge=0

Seed from Aixsponza on Vimeo.

To document the process (but mainly to give everyone good laughs) Aixsponza had a few guys running around with cameras during the production. And this sneaky MakingOf video is what came out of it. Guerilla style (except the staged scenes) and full of insights. Photoscanning of nearly all objects, Octane and Arnoldrendering, Softimage ICEfor a few shots, Houdinifor a few others and heaps of Cinema4D for all of the rest gets the shells flying and glowing. Add a bit of WorldMachine for landscapes (plus ZBrushand Modo for cleanup and retopo) and you've got our pipeline for this piece.

 The  Aixsponza Team also recorded a couple of insightful demo for Cinema 4D R17 Take Features and Spline Tools.https://player.vimeo.com/video/135337790?color=ccff17&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&badge=0

R17 Features: Take System from Aixsponza on Vimeo.



R17 Features: Spline Tools from Aixsponza on Vimeo.

This turns out to be  a pretty impressive release with great improvements. Buy Cinema 4D R17 now. Visit Novedge, this is how you get the Best Deals!


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