Keyshot Quick Tip: How to Unleash the Power of Bloom in Your Renders

October 31, 2022 1 min read

Keyshot Quick Tip: How to Unleash the Power of Bloom in Your Renders

Create a Bloom effect in Keyshot to add a shiny elegant touch to your jewelry renders or the right amount of glow around a vehicle headlamp: with Keyshot's Image tab you can reduce time spent post-processing renders. Along with greater control, you also have features like Bloom that allow you to further stylize renders to your needs and liking and to create more dynamic renderings.

Before You Begin: Make sure you've finished lighting your scene with a few bright hghilights.
Step 1: Open the Lighting Tab and Enable Bloom with its 3 settings - Intensity, Radius and Threshhold.
Step 2: Adjust the Bloom Intensity and Bloom Radius for a dream-like effect.
Step 3: Dial in the Bloom Threshold to reach a point where the majority of the image is sharp and in focus and the brightest highlights are glowing from the bloom.
Step 4: At this point, you can dial in all three settings until you're satisfied with the look of your scene.

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