DPP: Mechanical Rigging in Cinema 4D | Week 3

December 18, 2023 1 min read

Autodesk Fusion 360

Video From YouTube: Maxon

Explore the intricacies of mechanical rigging within Cinema 4D in this comprehensive tutorial. Guided by Maxon Master Trainer Athanasios “Noseman” Pozantzis, viewers will witness the live construction of various mechanical setups. This session delves into the creation of dynamic rigs ranging from a versatile recliner assembly to the precise movements of a robot arm. Other potential projects include a folding cart, car wheel suspension, and even a helicopter rotor. Noseman may also tackle a universal joint, a Delta Robot, and the intricate workings of a leadscrew with a captive nut. Audience requests could further steer this interactive, skill-enhancing presentation.

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