Create Slanted and Curved Curtain Walls with VisualARQ

December 03, 2022 1 min read

Create Slanted and Curved Curtain Walls with VisualARQ

If you need to create slanted or curved curtain walls in Rhino, you're in luck. VisualARQ, the fully-integrated Rhino 3D plugin that adds architectural tools to Rhino, makes it easy for you. Curtain walls are a great way to add visual interest and style to a building, and with VisualARQ, they are easier than ever to create. Let's get started!

VisualARQ curtain walls can be slanted through a control point on their top side corner.

To turn the curtain wall points on, select it and run the   command or hit F10.

That way you can use curtain walls in slanted glazed facades.

In addition, curtain walls can be created from curves, and have curved panels.

Follow these steps:

  • Run the _vaCurtainWall command.
  • Select a style, height and alignment from the insert dialog.
  • Select the option “FromCurves” in the command line, and pick an existing curve in the model.

The new curtain wall will be created taking the selected curve as its path. 

About VisualARQ

VisualARQ is a fully-integrated Rhino 3D plugin that adds architectural tools to Rhino. Using the accessible and  intuitive Rhino interface, VisualARQ provides tools for architects, planners, and interior designers that make the architectural design process and its documentation easy.

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