Cocktail Ring #rhinoartisan #3d #tutorial #design #3dmodeling

July 26, 2024 1 min read

Cocktail Ring #rhinoartisan #3d #tutorial #design #3dmodeling

Video From YouTube: RhinoArtisan

Discover the intricate world of jewelry design with this insightful tutorial by 2Shapes. The video provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide to creating a stunning cocktail ring using Rhino 3D software. Viewers will learn the nuances of 3D modeling and the artistry behind crafting exquisite jewelry pieces. With expert tips and tricks from seasoned artisans, this tutorial is perfect for both beginners and experienced designers looking to refine their skills in 3D jewelry design. Witness the transformation of a simple concept into a detailed 3D model, ready to captivate any jewelry enthusiast's imagination.

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