Bluebeam Tip: Streamlining Project Feedback Management with Bluebeam Revu's Markups List Feature

June 07, 2024 2 min read

Bluebeam Tip: Streamlining Project Feedback Management with Bluebeam Revu's Markups List Feature

Efficiently organize and manage your project feedback with Bluebeam Revu's Markups List feature. Here's how you can utilize this powerful tool to streamline your annotation process:

  • Access the Markups List: Open the Markups List by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the interface or pressing "Alt + L" to toggle the list's visibility.
  • Custom Views: Create custom column sets to display only the information you need. Right-click on the column headers to choose which columns to show or hide.
  • Status Updates: Update the status of comments to keep track of which have been addressed. Use the "Status" column to mark annotations as accepted, rejected, or cancelled.
  • Sort and Filter: Efficiently find specific markups by sorting the list by any column, such as author, date, or status. Apply filters to display only the relevant annotations for your current task.
  • Reply to Comments: Use the reply feature within the Markups List to maintain a conversation thread linked to specific annotations. This keeps all related communications organized.
  • Export and Report: When you need to share your Markups List, export it to a CSV or PDF Summary. This allows for easy distribution and archiving of annotations.
  • Import Markups: Collaborate with team members by importing their markups into your list. This consolidates feedback from multiple sources into a single document.
  • Hyperlinking: Add hyperlinks to your markups to connect parts of a drawing or to link to external documents, fostering a more interactive and connected project environment.

For professionals seeking to enhance their Bluebeam expertise, consider exploring the offerings from NOVEDGE, a leading online software store with a wide selection of Bluebeam products and resources.

You can find all the Bluebeam products on the NOVEDGE web site at this page.

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