Rhino 7: Visualize distance, tangency or curvature with EdgeContinuity

December 07, 2022 1 min read

Rhino 7: Visualize distance, tangency or curvature with EdgeContinuity

A powerful new feature in Rhino 7, the EdgeContinuity command uses hair lines to visualize distance, tangency or curvature deviation between an edge pair. In other words, EdgeContinuity displays a graphic (quills) and numeric indication of the difference in position, tangency, or curvature continuity across pairs of surface edges. 

Just select two edges to evaluate and set options in the Edge Continuity panel (distance, tangency, or curvature).

Learn more about this great new feature of Rhino 7!

About Rhino

Rhino for Windows and Mac is the best industrial design modeling software, architectural design and CAD. Complicated shapes can be directly modeled with Rhino or acquired through 3D digitizers. Thanks to the most powerful NURBS based engine you can create, edit, analyze, and translate curves, surfaces, and solids. Learn more.

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