Single Sign-On now available with all Autodesk plans

May 15, 2023 3 min read

Autodesk News

From Autodesk News: Raji Arasu

Listen. Innovate. Deliver. Repeat. As Autodesk EVP and COO Steve Blumshared late last year–across our company,we’ve renewed our focus on listening and responding to customer feedback. So much of the feedback we hear from customers involves product innovation:What new features and capabilities areon the roadmap? How are we ensuring our productsbetter integrate, both with3rd party tools and acrossan entire workflow? How are we enabling customers to make better use of their data and take advantage of rising technologies like AI?

These are all important.But innovationdoesn’t endthere.It’s alsocritical toensure our customers get the most value out of their software subscription and improve how our productsaredeployed andmanagedacross customer organizations. Thisis an areawe’ve been able to focus on by having adialogue not only with the end-users of our software, but also theTechnology Admins responsible for deploying our solutions inside their organizations. 

For example, over the last several months,we’ve been listening tocustomerfeedback about our plan offerings.We’ve heard feedback fromcustomersparticularlyTechnology Adminsthat the security that comes with single sign-on (SSO) is critical totheir business. In fact,they expectSSO to be partofthe standard offeringsfrom all their software partners.   

We agree. And we understand that keeping data and assets secure is a top priority for our customers.That’s whywe’re showing our commitment in this area by extending the benefits of SSO to all Autodesk plans.  

Beginning on May 8, SSOis nowincluded as a benefit to Standard plan customers, fulfilling a major part of our commitment tolistening andenhancingthe customerexperiences we deliver. The availability of SSO is the result of thehard work of the Autodesk Identity team, who were eager to seethe capabilityand its associated benefitsget into the hands of our customers. 

“The Autodesk Identity team and our partners across Autodesk are excited to announce the availability of SSO for Standard plan customers,” saidGoutham Garimella, VP ofIdentity & Licensing at Autodesk. “SSOprovides a seamless user experience, enhanced security, and administrative convenience. We valueour customers’feedback and look forward to continuing to invest in and deliver on theseobjectives in the future.” 

What are the benefits of Single Sign-On for Customers? 

  • Better user experience. With SSO, users can access Autodesk products and services using the same email and password they use for their organization. This saves time for users, and if they only need to remember one password, they are less likely to request a password reset. In addition, if they are already signed into their organization’s network, they will not need to sign in again to access Autodesk. 
  • Enhanced security. SSO uses a single point of authentication, so passwords are received and validated only by the identity provider. Since users only need to remember one password, bad security habits such as writing down passwords are minimized. 
  • Streamlined administration. Admins only need to maintain one email and password combination for each user, and password policies applied to the network are also applied to Autodesk services. If an Admin needs to revoke an employee’s email access, they will also lose access to each of the Autodesk solutions they’re assigned to at once—no need to revoke access to each service individually. 

Howtoget started with SSO? 

  • Visit theSingle Sign-on Set Up Guide for more information on where to begin, how to implement SSO, and to see other frequently asked questions. 
  • Check out the below video for more details on the benefits of SSO and tips on how to get started. 
  • Bookmark Autodesk’s newTechnology Admin Value Hub to stay up to date on how Autodesk is investing and innovating to help customers save time, reduce cost, and improve productivity. 

Learn more about howAutodesk is investing and innovating to help customers save time, reducecost, and improve productivity atthe newly launchedTechnology Admin Value Hub.

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